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Board of Directors
Eric Isom, GIFPF Chair
Chief Development Officer, Ball Ventures
Don Stevens, GIFPF Vice Chair
(retired) Manager of Agreement Management, Idaho National Labs
Royce Clements, GIFPF Secretary
(retired) Captain, Idaho Falls Police
Emily Smith, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Mental Health Professional
Amy Taylor,
Idaho Falls Regional Site Director for Blue Cross of Idaho
Dr. Janet Allen, Owner/Counselor
Creekside Counseling
Carlan McDaniel, Chief Operations Officer
The Bank of Commerce
Nathan Christensen, S.V.P. and Chief Credit Officer, Citizens Community Bank
Casey Jackman, Chief Operating Officer, Idaho Falls Community Hospital
Advisory Board Members
Austin Allen, attorney, Hopkins Roden Crockett Hansen & Hoopes, PLLC
Stephanie Taylor-Thompson, Field Director Idaho and Montana, Prison Fellowship
Randall Hughes, Idaho National Laboratory, director of safeguards and security